Barney Bear's Nursery

Each Day Learning Through Play

Easter Bunny at Barney Bears

Easter Bunny at St. John’s Church and Barney Bears!

A little insight to what happened today, we took a walk to our local church, ‘St. Luke’s Church’, with a special guest…the Easter Bunny!?
The staff and children of Barney Bears were met by the Church’s vicar, who spoke to the children a little about the Easter story. He then spoke to the children about their bonnets, how they made them, who helped them, what materials they had used. Our children were so engaged and was speaking back with John. 
We had many more Easter activities throughout the day, including the egg hunt. We had our big Easter party tea this afternoon too!
It honestly was such a great turn out. The photos do not do it enough justice of how many children came in with their Easter Bonnets. 

Categorised as: Nursery Events

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